Anaheim Hills Pediatric Therapy, Inc.
A physical therapy corporation
BUG Buddies Social Development Classes
We offer a program called BUG BUDDIES (Building an Understanding of Growing). These classes focus on developmental aspects of growing; specifically, fine motor, gross motor, cognition, communication, social-emotional and self-care skills in a structured environment.
Caterpillars meet on Mondays 9-12.
Butterflies meet Wed & Fridays 9-12
Grasshoppers meet Wed & Fridays 9-12
Check out our you tube video below!
The classes also focus on emotional regulation through using the zones of regulation program. Children do not need to be potty-trained to attend any of the classes. Class ratios vary from 1:1-1:3 child to teachers/therapists. All classes are lead by a teacher, a physical therapist and an occupational therapist, as well as graduate students working on clinical internships to complete their OT, PT, PTA, or OTA degree fulfillment.
For even MORE info, click here!