
Regional Center of Orange County

In addition to providing individual PT and OT sessions vendored with the Regional Center of Orange County, we also provide developmental evaluations and are vendored for infant education services (aka "infant stim").  

The developmental evaluations are lead by a PT and an OT together. Combined, they administer standardized testing to evaluate the five domains of development including gross and fine motor skills, cognition, communication, social-emotional development, and adaptive (self-help) skills. Regional Center of Orange County provides free evaluations for children under the age of 3 years old. If you are interested in having us assess your child under three, please contact the Regional Center of OC at 714-796-5354 to start the intake process. More information can be found at this link regarding eligibility criteria: RCOC Programs.

The testing includes both the Developmental Assessment of Young Children-2 (DAYC-2) and the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2).  The child's parent(s) will also be interviewed by both therapists in addition to clinical observations of the child.

A physical therapy corporation