A physical therapy corporation

Pediatric Intensives

Our Pediatric Intensives are included in our Bug Buddies programs. The MANTIS (Movement Activities N a Therasuit Intensive and Sensory Program) is one individual who participates in 3-hour therapy sessions daily, Monday through Thursday for 3 consecutive weeks. Extensive research shows that this method and design of training is quite successful in achieving functional goals. 

Daily sessions include sensory work and massage to muscle groups to bring increased proprioceptive input and increased circulation to areas of the body that will be specifically targeted for strengthening due to individual goals set by the intensive staff and family members. An universal exercise unit (UEU) is utilized to isolate muscle groups and provide exercises that are fun and beneficial. A pulley system with weights is utilized as well as the "spider" set up using up to 8-bungee cords attached to a belt system to facilitate increased independence with functional activities and provide extraordinary vestibular inputs. Finally, a therasuit will be utilized during gross motor activities to normalize muscle tone and re-train the central nervous system.  The therasuit is a soft dynamic orthoses designed by physical therapists, Izabela and Richard Koscielny.  The suit design originated from adaptations astronauts used when traveling to space to counter the affects of no gravity and prevent muscle atrophy. The Koscielnys adapted it with bungees pulling in specific muscles directions targeted for children and adolescents with neuromuscular disorders. 

Indications for the program are: Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Stroke, Ataxia, Athetosis, Spasticity, Hypotonia, Hypertonia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida and other neuromuscular diagnoses. 

Contraindications for the program are: progressive disorders, severe scoliosis, fixed joint contractures, severe osteoporosis, uncontrolled seizures, and uncontrolled blood pressure. 

If you aren't local to this area, Southern California is a fantastic place to bring your whole family if you have a child who would benefit from an intensive.  We are located in Anaheim Hills just off the 91 freeway, 30 minutes from beaches, 20 minutes from Disneyland, Downtown Disney or Knott's Berry Farms and 60 minutes from the mountains and lakes surrounding. 

The cost of the program is $5400 for three weeks and $7200 for four weeks. Both options are available based on scheduling. A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your child's reservation. It will be applied to the program cost once underway. Your child will be working on functional activities with the assistance of our soft dynamic orthoses, the "therasuit," and equipment such as the UEU to gain the ability to improve in goals set day one. Similarly to training for a marathon, the training occurs over the several weeks duration intensive. The child gains new skills that he or she can put into daily practice at home when the intensive is complete, achieving new opportunities for movement. 

To find out more or apply for a rotation block in our therasuit intensive program, please call us 714-794-5889 or email laura@ahpediatric-pt-ot.com